August 31, 2022

PHP Development: The Complete Guide to Getting Started

PHP is like the dark horse in the world of technology or programming languages. Today the world is filled with modern languages and advanced technology. But PHP is still the most preferred language for backend development. Also, reports claim that 80% of websites still use PHP for server-side development. PHP-based applications and websites are widely accepted and created to develop advanced applications.

We bring you here a bit about the world of PHP. Follow the article further to learn about PHP, and the benefits, advantages and responsibilities of PHP developers.

What is PHP?

In this world of modern programming languages and large scaled tech stacks, PHP remains the widely used web development language. Reports claim that 79.1% of all websites have server-side programming languages that use PHP.

PHP is an acronym for Hypertext Processor and the scripts can be easily embedded into HTML. PHP is a great option to build fully functional websites.

PHP is very flexible and has a powerful meta-language for developers. PHP is commonly used to run websites, but one can even run it on Windows, Linux workstations and macOS. Install Docker and then run on the container.

What Is a PHP Developer?

A PHP developer is a professional software developer with excellent knowledge of the programming language and relevant technologies used by it. PHP developers are most likely to be known by the name of backend developers as they mostly work on it.

  • Linux
  • Apache
  • MySQL

The above basic components are the popular element of the LAMP stack. PHP is mostly used to deal with business logic and tends to be used in other programming languages like Javascript.

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Benefits of using PHP

  • Open source  –As it is an open-source programming language,  developers can use it without paying a single penny. To build web applications quickly, there are free PHP frameworks available. 
  • Independent Platform –PHP doesn’t require any special software and works on all sorts of operating systems. Many web/app developer services are still using PHP as backend technology. 
  • Database Management  –PHP is designed in such a way that it can easily connect to the database while used inefficiently. It is a popular LAMP stack. 
  • Easy to learn –PHP is easy to learn and maintain. Even developers who have knowledge or experience with another programming language can easily pick up the language. It has an MVC structure. 
  • Performance -PHP’s ability to deal with databases makes it a prominent choice to create web applications which can be easily accessed even with poor internet connection. PHP loads the websites quickly. 
  • Security -There are numerous built-in tools to protect applications from threats like SQL injection, data tampering and forgery. 
  • Stability -PHP is extremely stable compared to other modern languages. 

  • Community – PHP has a big vibrant community on the internet and Stack Overflow. The answer to relevant questions is easily available. 

8 Practical Applications

8 Practical Applications of PHP

Here is the common usage of PHP:

  •  Web Pages and Web-Based Applications

Web pages and applications require extensive customisation and an interactive UI for a rich user experience. PHP ensures all these three featured architectures like browser, server and database systems work in a line. This makes PHP the most favourable for 82% of websites for server-side programming.

The programming language can be used to build both static and dynamic web/applications. Developers can easily manipulate the code to reuse it on other platforms. The open-source nature of PHP makes it the most popular among developers/programmers.

  • Ecommerce Applications

No matter how big a business is or what you are selling, online selling is dominating the product selling market. Cake PHP and Codelgniter-like frameworks help to create eCommerce applications fast. Online platforms like Magento, Open Cart, PrestaShop etc use practical apps of PHP.

  • GUI Based Applications

Another use of PHP is to create desktop Graphical User Interface-based apps. Tools like PHP-GTK2 and ZEE PHP GUI allow scripting which allows the compilation to run on its own.

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  • Create Flash

To create Flash many PHP frameworks provide an open source library like Ming in. SWF file format with features like gradients, bitmaps, actions and animations. With the use of PHP, it is easy to create and incorporate flash elements.

  • Image Processing and Graphic Design

PHP also uses it to manipulate images. By using libraries like GD library, Imagine and Image Magick can be integrated into PHP-based applications along with a list of functions like rotating, cropping, resizing, adding watermarks, creating thumbnail pictures, and generating output images in all sorts of formats. Attractive designs and UI is one of the important features to create a website.

  • Data Representation

PHP can be used to create data representation, like graphs, charts and scatter dot plots. This feature is usually used for eCommerce websites, desktop applications and other applications where data needs to be presented graphically. 

  • Creating PDF Files

PDF file creation is another application of PHP and using the PDFLib tool can be used to generate PDF files. It helps in creating an online invoicing system where one can create HTML-driven invoices in PDF.

PHP can be easily embedded with HTML, as it doesn’t require complex processes to generate HTML pages.


Hence, for the longest time PHP is not going anywhere. No matter how many modern languages and technologies come and go, PHP is here to stay. It is dominating the backend development of websites. The above guide will help you to understand more about the PHP programming language and applications related to it.


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