May 13, 2020

5 Digital Marketing tips for businesses to survive in Covid-19 Pandemic.

It’s really hard for businesses to look beyond the current scenario and assume their future growth, which is completely vanished in the current situation. Now, we all dependent on the internet and several organizations that can run online, continuing their operations through internet using several tools for communications and other medium, but the growth isn’t the same.

The outbreak of COVID-19 impacted multiple organizations, businesses, start-up and individual lives in monetary as well as reputational manner. Due to this unpredicted pandemic situation, which is still uncertain, several brands paused their marketing campaigning, whereas several companies stopped their operations completely.

Most of us, using the internet for our official purpose or to entertain ourselves in this situation, still the industries facing such terrible impacts of Covid-19. Here’s the chart that shows the traffic growth or decline due to covid-19,

Traffic growth or decline chart
Pic Credit – Neil Patel blog

The situation isn’t only impacting the traffic, but it also impacting the conversion growth of different industries. Here’s another chart that shows the conversion growth or decline due to covid-19, which industries facing on daily basis.

Conversion Growth or Decline Chart
Pic Credit – Neil Patel blog

None of us, ever expected such situation due to which the whole world will put their efforts on survival rather the economic growth. The number of cases increasing daily and the situation going worst day-by-day.

More than the quarter of the world’s population placed under lockdown, which increases the internet hits about 50-70% as per the Forbes research. In such situation, digital marketing is the one source that can help businesses to survive and hold their pace for a long-time duration. Here are a few Digital Marketing strategies, which might be helpful for businesses in the COVID-19 pandemic situation,


Set your marketing tone more appealing and connecting with the people by adapting some emotional ways. This is the situation when you need an emotional connect to communicate with your consumers, rather making a conversional tone. Try to choose responsible message for your business and inherit it in your brand identity.

For example, Urban Company and Starbucks adapted the face mask and included it in their logo, which shows their responsible nature towards the safety of their customers. Several others are doing the same and twisting their brand identity to shows their responsible nature in this Covid-19 situation.

Company Marketing in Covid19

You also need to think in the same manner and have to adapt some emotional messages that can highlight the importance of social distancing, stay home safety or required precautions. Businesses can prepare some meaningful and engaging organic or paid content to highlight their operations or can share their resources at reasonable prices to support others as well.


With Covid19, major traditional offline marketing strategies are out of the picture for the uncertain duration and now, businesses need to be more focused over the online promotions. The current scenario surges the internet hits and increased the time spend on social networks. Due to this impact, brands and businesses needs to learn the ways through which they can be in front of their targeted audience, always.

The most impactful way of marketing in this pandemic situation is “be more active on social media”. Try to be focused on communicating messages, expressive graphics and meaningful content to get connected with the targeted audience.

Social media is getting the highest hits in this lock-down condition and with appropriate content, businesses can earn more user engagement too. Be more active on your social profiles either through sharing the content, participating on different topics, using proper hashtags, sharing your thoughts on comments, etc. or hire appropriate digital marketing agency for your social media marketing.


Double your efforts to be in front of your audience through adapting trending marketing strategies along with search engine optimization for organic traffic and pay per clicking for paid traffic. This is the harsh reality of the market that if you are not present in front of the audience, you are not existing anywhere and your survival is questionable.

It’s the time, when you need to think more about the presence rather the business and make your promotions more content oriented. Keep it in mind, that more than three-fourth of the audience will not buy your service or product, but that doesn’t mean no one is going to buy it. Keep your effort and be in front of your audience through engaging context, this will help you to be available on search.

Your regular updates will also help your business to be alive, even when the situation ends and recall your presence in front of the audience. It also improves your online reputation, so keep your efforts and be in front of your audience.

Digital Marketing


It’s hard to be in touch with your audience in the same manner as previous, but it’s required too to be in touch to make your existence in the market. Now in this situation, brands need to keep their loop and share most relevant information with their target audience, rather sending bulk and automated promotional emails.

Yes, email marketing is one of the best tactics to reach out to the audience and track their behavior in COVID-19 pandemic, but it should be more meaningful, connecting and appealing with relevant information. You need to forget the traditional sales pitched email templates that can be automated and scheduled to avoid increased bounce rate, and keep it in mind that people may not buy your services or products at this time.

Just adapt the situation and use the opportunity to make a different market position of your brand and become immune to the crisis by addressing and engaging the right audience. Use this technique to ensure your audience know you are in operation and the market condition won’t impacting your business deliveries.

Reach out to the individuals or businesses through emails to aware them that they can pick their products by own or order for assured deliveries, and let them know that you’ve increased the sanitary practices and following all the guidelines.


We all know the importance of local SEO, most of the businesses has already adapt it, but those who hasn’t adapted it yet, need to move to it as soon as possible. In this critical situation, we are locked in our homes and rarely go outside, but whenever we have to stepped out, we went to the nearest trader for the services and supplies. So, make it sure that your business is using proper digital marketing services for local SEO and putting it in front of your targeted audience for “near me” searches.

Local SEO also help businesses to reach out to more audience and allow your business to assist them in this critical time. Along with the well-optimized local SEO, keep it in mind that positive online reviews are also an impactful way in the Covid-19 pandemic for businesses.

Online Reputation Management is as important as email marketing and other digital marketing strategies. Adding positive reviews on different platforms including Google My Business (GMB), helps businesses to get better exposure and connect with most trusted customers online.


Businesses need to keep in mind that this Covid-19 pandemic situation will not last forever and they need to put their efforts in the adaptive marketing that can heal them after. They should retain their brand presence in front of the targeted audience using email marketing, social media marketing, local SEO, online reputation management, and other relevant digital marketing strategies.

Don’t let your efforts down in this situation, because if you lose your momentum, it might be harder for you to get back your position and might possible you have to shut down your operations. So, stay focused, positive and dedicated to strengthen your connections with your audience and keep yourself up during this crisis.


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